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5. If I was ill-treated by ICAC officers, how can I lodge a complaint against the ICAC?

Complaints against the ICAC are handled by an independent ICAC Complaints Committee chaired by an Executive Council member. You may lodge the complaint in person, by post or by telephone. The contact details of the ICAC Complaints Committee are: Room 2559, 25/F, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong (Tel: 3655 5503).


You will be informed of the outcome of your complaints after the investigations are completed and a decision is made. For further information on the complaint procedures, please go to the ICAC webpage.


It is also possible for you to make a civil claim against the ICAC for c ompensation. But you should first seek legal advice before you decide whether or not to take any legal action.

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