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3. Doing or offering to do an act preparatory to or for the purpose of trafficking

An act preparatory to or for the purpose of trafficking is also an offence. There is some overlap between this offence and the offence of trafficking (in the sense of “dealing in or with” drugs).  For example, storing a dangerous drug for the purpose of delivering them at a later stage may be prosecuted by either offences.


However, there are other acts which more specifically fall under this offence. Examples are: (1) bringing a chemical usually used as a diluting agent of a dangerous drug (e.g. Ice) but the chemical is not in itself a dangerous drug, and (2) introducing a drug dealer to someone who wants to buy drugs.


Similarly, even if the substance involved is not in fact a dangerous drug, a defendant can still be convicted if he does or offers to do an act preparatory to or for the purpose of trafficking in (i) a substance he believed to be a dangerous drug, or (ii) a substance he represented or held out to be a dangerous drug.