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8. Possession of prohibited weapons (Section 4 Weapons Ordinance)

Any person who has possession of any prohibited weapon commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for 3 years (section 4 Weapons Ordinance).


List of prohibited weapons (Schedule Weapons Ordinance):

  • Chinese-style throwing dart
  • Gravity knife
  • Gravity-operated steel baton
  • Knuckleduster whether spiked or not and with or without blade
  • Chinese-style fighting iron
  • Spring-loaded steel baton
  • Any knife the blade which is exposed by a spring or other mechanical or electric device
  • Any blade or pointed weapon designed to be used in a fashion whereby the handle is held in a clenched fist and the blade or pointed protrudes between the fingers or the fist.


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