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C. Foreigners or mainland residents working/studying in Hong Kong with spouses from overseas (including Mainland China)

For foreigners or mainland residents who are:

  • working in Hong Kong (as a professional, for investment to establish/join in business, or for training); or
  • studying in a full-time undergraduate or post-graduate local programme in a local degree-awarding institution; or
  • permitted to remain in the HKSAR as an entrant under the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme or the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme,

their spouses and unmarried child (children) under the age of 18 may apply to join him/her for residence in Hong Kong.


The following conditions must be satisfied for a successful dependant visa application:

  • Reasonable proof of a genuine relationship between the applicant (“dependant”) and the spouse residing in Hong Kong (“sponsor”);
  • the applicant should be of clear criminal records and raise no security or criminal concerns for the HKSAR;
  • the sponsor can substantially support the dependant and provide suitable accommodation during his/her stay in Hong Kong.


For sponsors who have been admitted for employment (as professionals, for investment to establish/join in business or for training); and entrants under the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme or the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, their spouses or children may take up employment in the HKSAR upon successful application for a dependant visa.


However, dependants of sponsors who have been admitted to study are not permitted to take up employment unless they have obtained prior permission from the Director of Immigration.


For more details, please visit the website of the Immigration Department:

Foreigners working/studying in Hong Kong

Mainland residents working/studying in Hong Kong

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